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Soft Imaging System
Makers of high-quality imaging software and hardware since 1987, Soft Imaging System is one of the leading specialists worldwide in the field of microscopy and digital image analysis. We develop and market hardware and software for high speed image acquisition, processing, database archiving, digital image analysis and automatic report generation tailored to light and electron microscopy. Our products are used in the fields of materials science, biomedicine, life science and semiconducting. Besides our cameras systems and electronic imaging components, we also provide consulting, system integration and installation, training and support. This breadth of activities allows us to satisfy the demands of our customers for increasingly comprehensive systems, system integration as well as individual solutions. The software is available in English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese. Other versions will follow.
NIfTI-1 support
Soft Imaging System
Commercially available
How to get
The current list of authorized sales partners and subsidiaries in our worldwide network can be found on our website. Or contact info.de@soft-imaging.net.
Current version
analySIS® FIVE
Current version release date
Open source
Primary and secondary licenses, dongle protected
Available free of charge
Operating system: analySIS® is a 32-bit software developed for MS Windows 95/98, NT 4.0, 2000, and XP. analySIS® supports multiple processor machines (SMP) for MS Windows 2000 and XP. >>> Hardware: You are not restricted to using only digital cameras from Soft Imaging System. analySIS® also supports a multitude of digital cameras from other manufacturers as well. >>> Minimum system requirements: Pentium II, 128MB RAM, 300MB disc space, 32MB VGA >>> Recommended system: Pentium IV, 512MB RAM, >1GB disc space, 128MB VGA >>> High end system: dual processor AMD or Intel, 1GB RAM, >1GB disc space, RAID system, 128MB VGA or greater
Technical publications
FAQ's and technical notes can be found on our website.
Applications publications
An extensive array of application reports written in cooperation with our customers in the fields of materials science, life science, semiconducting, metallography, geophysics, paper and printing science and workflow automation are available on our website.
Other information
3D, archiving, automatic report generation, cameras, deconvolution, digital image analysis, electron microscopy, fast image acquisition, FDA, fluorescence microscopy, image database, intensity measurements, kinetic measurements, light microscopy, microscopy, microtiter plates, multiple image alignment, particle analysis, processing, scanning probe microscopy, stages, surface analysis, time lapse, visualization, workflow automation
Platform-independent web browser for file sharing, Windows
IATR listing last updated
20 Oct 2005