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NeuroTerrain NetOStat Atlas Browser (+ NT-SDK)
Laboratory for Bioimaging & Anatomical Informatics, Dept. Neurobio. & Anat., Drexel U. Coll. of Med.
The NetOStat brain atlas browser provides a network capable means to view 3D anatomical atlases using the NeuroTerrain Virtual Knife slicing capability in the coronal, sagittal or horizontal planes. The full 3D brain atlas data set can be viewed at arbitrary viewing angles on and off the three slicing axes. One can also open multiple simultaneous views of either separate atlas data sets or different axis views of the same data set. Deliniated brain volumes of interest (VOIs) are also displayed according to selections made by the user. We recently re-organized the client code base as an "open source" development kit - the Neuroterrain Software Development Kit (NT-SDK). Programmers can use the NT-SDK to integrate the NetOStat 3D navigator into other Java applications to view and analyze brain images aligned to our atlas coordinate space or to stereotaxic coordinates (a task we have done extensively ourselves). The core browser, Neuroterrain command menus and slicing interface are all accessible programmatically. The Virtual Knife and Slice Viewer are packaged as Java Swing JPanels that can be slipped into a parent Java application JFrame or can be run in its own seperate frame.
NIfTI-1 support
Jonathan Nissanov
NetOStat Java client publically downloadable (NT-SDK source distribution pending as of 2006-08-15).
How to get
Download from this web site.
Current version
Current version release date
June 15, 2006
Open source
modified GPL for NT-SDK.
Available free of charge
Current NetOStat build is released as a bundled Mac OS X application. Java WebStart, Linux, and Windows builds will be released soon (as of 2006-08-15).
Technical publications
in submission as of June, 2006.
Applications publications
Other information
Tool in used to support analysis of the Mouse Brain Library, as well as within the Mouse BIRN testbed project.
atlas, BIRN, client-server, HBP supported, microscopy, registration, SDK, segmentation, visualization, volume, warping
Java, MacOS
IATR listing last updated
16 Aug 2006