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Developmental Neurogenetics Laboratory, University of Arizona
NeuronMetrics is a software tool for semi-automated processing of 2D cultured-neuron images. It functions as a set of modules that run in the open-source program ImageJ. NeuronMetrics features a novel method for estimating neurite arbor branch number (a measure of complexity) from two-dimensional images. In addition, the tool features a novel method for filling large gaps in the neurite skeleton that result from image artifacts. NeuronMetrics and a detailed user guide are available for download at iBridge, free to academic users. The program is user-friendly and easy to learn, making it a powerful tool for basic and applied neuroscience research. Publication: Narro ML, Yang F, Kraft R, Wenk C, Efrat A, Restifo LL. Mar 2007. NeuronMetrics: software for rapid semi-automated processing of cultured-neuron images. Brain Research, 1138:57-75.
NIfTI-1 support
None at this time.
Martha Narro, Fan Yang, Robert Kraft, Carola Wenk, Alon Efrat, and Linda Restifo, University of Arizona
free to academic users
How to get
download from iBridge after registration, http://www.ibridgenetwork.org/arizona/UA07-56_Neuronmetrics
Current version
Current version release date
Spring 2007
Open source
through iBridge, http://www.ibridgenetwork.org/
Available free of charge
Windows OS, ImageJ v. 1.36b
Technical publications
Narro ML, Yang F, Kraft R, Wenk C, Efrat A, Restifo LL. Mar 2007. NeuronMetrics: software for rapid semi-automated processing of cultured-neuron images. Brain Research, 1138:57-75.
Applications publications
1. Cziko AM, McCann CT, Howlett IC, Barbee SA, Duncan RP, Luedemann R, Zarnescu D, Zinsmaier KE, Parker RR, Ramaswami M. Genetic modifiers of dFMR1 encode RNA granule components in Drosophila. Genetics. 2009 182(4):1051-60. PubMed PMID: 19487564 2. Darya K, Ganguly A, Lee D. Quantitative analysis of synaptic boutons in Drosophila primary neuronal cultures. Brain Res. 2009 1280:1-12. PMID: 19460362 3. Halladay AK, Amaral D, Aschner M, Bolivar VJ, Bowman A, DiCicco-Bloom E, Hyman SL, Keller F, Lein P, Pessah I, Restifo L, Threadgill DW. Animal models of autism spectrum disorders: information for neurotoxicologists. Neurotoxicology. 2009 30(5):811-21. PMID: 19596370 4. Melli G, H�¶ke A. Dorsal root ganglia sensory neuronal cultures: a tool for drug discovery for peripheral neuropathies. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 2009, 4(10):1035-1045.
Other information
2D image analysis, microscopy, neurite arbor, neuron culture, neuron polarity
IATR listing last updated
29 Oct 2009