197 tools registered

Tool review

Please read about tool reviews.

The tool review form is divided into three parts: functionality, installation, and documentation. Please try to limit your comments to these topics and let us know if you feel this form can be improved.

Each section asks for a numeric rating and descriptive prose. You may skip any of the sections you like, but if you select a rating for a section, we ask that you write a short defense of your rating. Whether or not you provide a numeric rating, please remember that the descriptive text is most useful to other potential users of this tool.

As you fill out the form below, remember that your responses are (anonymously) forwarded to the tool developers for comment before being posted on IATR, and the greatest benefit of your review is to users who are making decisions about what tools to download and try. As a result, please remember:

Finally, please keep in mind that a positive review is just as helpful to prospective users as a negative one!

Analysis tool

Brain Atlas for Functional Imaging


We require your e-mail so we can follow up on your comments. It is strictly for internal use by the IATR team; we will not post your e-mail address or share it with anyone, including the tool developer. Comments with an invalid e-mail address will be ignored.

E-mail address (required):


Not rated

1 -- I wouldn't wish this on my enemies
3 -- Average
5 -- My three year old could do this

Was the tool easy to download and install? Were you put off by any aspect of getting the tool running, or do you wish everything in life could be so easy?


Not rated

1 -- Doesn't do much but take up disk space
3 -- Adequate
5 -- I'll never need any other analysis software

Does the tool do what it advertises? How easy was it to get the software to do the job you downloaded it for?


Not rated

1 -- Nonexistent/no help at all
3 -- Adequate
5 -- Best documentation I've ever seen

Was the documentation helpful? Adequate? Existent?

And finally...

We like to think of it as a sign of huge success that we're getting attention from spammers, but for you, it's a little extra work. Please copy the code to the box below: