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This tool is supported wholly or in part by The Human Brain Project.

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Brain Atlas for Functional Imaging
Theime Medical Publishers

This is a CD ROM Product distributed by Theime Medical Publishers. It supports a complete electronic version of the Talairach Atlas, as well as gyral-level description of the human brain. In addition, this tool permits the incorporation of user image data, both structural and functional, into the viewer for direct co-visualization with the atlas.

This CD-ROM provides numerous tools for the analysis of functional images: It contains the fully color-coded and labeled Talairach-Tournoux brain atlas in the axial, coronal and sagittal orientations, along with Brodmann's areas and gyri in the axial orientation.

-Allows anatomical and functional images to be loaded and registered.

-Enables interactive placement of the Talairach landmarks in 3D Space.

-Provides automatic data-to-atlas warping based on the Talairaich proportional grid system transformation. In addition, real-time interactive warping for fine tuning is available.

-Allows the user to place marks on the activation loci in the warped functional images, display these marks with the atlas, and edit them simultaneously on the axial, cornal and sagittal orientations. Mark placement is assisted by a grey-value thresholding feature.

-Provides simultaneous display of the atlas, anatomical image and functional image withing one interactively blended image. Atlas-data blending and anatomical-functional image blending are controlled independently.

-Labels the data by means of the atlas. The atlas can be flipped left/right so that Brodmann's areas areas and gyri can be labeled on both hemispheres.

-Provides additional functions such as friendly navigation, simultaneous display of axial, coronal and sagittal atlas plates, cross-referenced display, image and atlas sequencing, readout of the Talairach coordinates and intensities, save, print, help.

NIfTI-1 support
Wieslaw L. Nowinski, A. Thirunavuukarasuu, and David N. Kennedy; Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore, and Massachusetts General Hospital
Wieslaw Nowinsk, wieslaw@krdl.org.sg
How to get
Order it from Theime.
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Open source
Available free of charge
Written in Macromedia Director; Runs on Mac's and Windows machines, and?
Technical publications
Applications publications
Other information
atlas, functional, HBP supported, registration, visualization
MacOS, Windows
IATR listing last updated
11 Apr 2003