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There is 1 user review for DTI Gradient Table Creator. Developer responses, in italics, follow each section of user comments.

Review 1 of 1

Posted April 23, 2014


User rating: 5 of 5
User comments:
Java applet has no installation. Matlab tool is simply copy pasting.
No developer response


User rating: 3 of 5
User comments:
Java applet doesn't allow copy-pasting due to security measures in younger versions. So one is forced to type it over by hand.. or use the matlab tool. Matlab tool has the functions, it just doesn't explain them all such as overplus which is abbreviated as ovp.
No developer response


User rating: 2 of 5
User comments:
The java applet does not explain any of the options you can fill in. Read the matlab script and some of the options (that have to be type in exactly right) are mentioned but not all, and often they are not fully explained.
No developer response